Locating the Residence

Please read all instructions thoroughly before using this procedure.


SAFETY, the Following procedure should only be performed by qualified technicians familiar with the potential hazards of working around energized electrical equipment.


To locate the home (Town House, Apartment or Condominium) containing the source, always start at the complainant's location using the How to Locate Radio & Television Interference Sources in Your Home instructions. All instructions are to be followed while the interference is active. Remember, always start with the complainant. This person is complaining due to the severity of the problem. The closer to the source of the interference you get, the more severe the symptoms will be. Meaning, if the source were elsewhere the symptoms there would be worse and that person would probably be complaining.


Locate the home containing the strongest noise signal. You want to find an electrical device on the exterior of the homes, common to all the homes attached to the same secondary system as the complainant. This device such as the electric meters, main service breakers (whether outside or in a utility room), front porch lights, electric lamp posts, outside air conditioner units or doorbell buttons, will be the radiator for the offending noise. What ever device you select to use as the noise radiator, will be referred to in these instructions as the radiator.

The noise will be strongest at an electrical device connected to the home containing the source. Whatever radiator you choose, it should be the most accessible at each home.


Start at the complainant's home. Start with your detector on and the gain turned up high enough to hear the offending noise. With your detector not touching, but about 2 inches from the radiator you've chosen, turn the detector’s gain control down to the point of barely hearing the noise.


Start on your way to the next home. The next home maybe next door or across the street, but almost always should be connected to the same transformer/secondary circuit as the complainant. As you move away from the starting point, the noise level on the detector will diminish. This is because the radiated noise signal is getting weaker as you move away. In order for the detector to hear the noise at the next house, the noise level will have to be the same or higher than the previous location.


When you reach the next location it's important that your detector be held in the same position as the previous location. The noise level should change. If the level is lower or not heard, you're moving further from the source and need to continue your search to the house in the other direction or across the street. If the level is higher, then you’re headed in the right direction and again must turn the gain control down to the point of just barely hearing the noise.


Continue on to the next house repeating steps 5 and 6 if necessary. If the detector hears no noise at the next home, then you're moving away from the home containing the noise source. Return to the previous home to hear the noise again.


Now that you've located the residence with the source, repeat step 2. However, don’t forget step 1.

Neither the writer nor seller shall be liable for any injury, loss or damage, directly or consequentially, arising from the use of this product. The user assumes all risk and liability whatsoever in connection with this product. For further assistance please contact RFI Services.